PICTURE DAY IS COMING! Friday, Oct. 6, Berryville Elementary School. Pre-order on mylifetouch.com with student ID or Picture Day ID: EVTC6H8Z8.
over 1 year ago, Andrea Jones
K-2 Picture Day, Oct. 6
Qualifying for Free or Reduced Meals, allows you to save $801 for your K-5 student(s) and $845.50 for your 6-12 student(s). These calculations are based on the price of breakfast and lunch for the 178 student days. Reminder: students qualifying for reduced meals this year, actually receive free meals!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
meal prices
Bobcat Families, This is a reminder that the $100 drawing will be tomorrow. Submit your application today! Apply online here: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application?identifier=FPYUZY
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
We are introducing Leah Etchison from Springdale as a new first grade teacher at Berryville Elementary! Ms. Etchison is a John Brown University graduate . Leah plays many different instruments and enjoys arts and crafts. She said that one unique fact about her is that she has double jointed thumbs! "I chose education because I felt like it was my calling. I have always been drawn to teaching," Etchison said about the reason she chose education. Let's welcome Ms. Leah Etchison to the Bobcat team!
over 1 year ago, Tammi Davis
Due to ACT 656, students who qualify for Reduced Meal Prices will receive meals at NO CHARGE! Apply online at https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application?identifier=FPYUZY
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
Apply to be a substitute at #BobcatNation!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
sub 4
Complete your child's meal application and be entered into a drawing!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
New! This year, families are able to submit the Free and Reduced Meal Application online. https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application?identifier=FPYUZY The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Applications that can be printed are linked here: English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZHV0kusRfFNMVVs1Sj7HQ3_dTGKr9s0Y/view?usp=drive_link Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXsqV73KR3gsgGArZLB4bqc_F7JAIsHk/view?usp=drive_link
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
Apply to be a substitute at #BobcatNation!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
sub 3
Apply to be a substitute at #BobcatNation!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
sub 2
Great news for #BobcatNation ! Tonight, the school board of education approved purchasing school supplies for students. Students and their families will still be responsible for organizational items such as backpacks, trapper keepers, etc... Elementary students will need to purchase headphones. They can be purchased at school for $5. Intermediate students bringing water bottles need to use clear bottles.
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
school supplies
Apply to be a substitute at #BobcatNation!
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
sub 1
Public Release Statement for Free and Reduced Meals linked below The applications will be available online this year. We will post the online application on August 1. (You will still be able to complete a paper application when you enroll your child or during open house events.) English - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YvEsyAelcyPMEeps-7qMnJiCV2OcBEw3/view?usp=drive_link Spanish - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z2t0Y9yYrA-QtSXjM0QMudATp5qzt0xN/view?usp=drive_link
over 1 year ago, Mindy Hicks
Meal Prices
All of our staff members will return to campus on Monday, August 7th! We will once again be celebrating our employees by having drawings for prizes throughout the first day back. Businesses, organizations, and individuals wishing to donate gift items, gift cards, or merchandise will need to do so by Friday, July 28th. Items can be brought to the administration office or dropped off at the high school office. Thank you for supporting the Bobcat staff! We appreciate you! (Contact Tammi Davis for more information at tdavis@bobcat.k12.ar.us or call 479-738-7661.) ​
over 1 year ago, Tammi Davis
Preregistration for the Bobcat Academy is open now! Register your upcoming K-5 student for the FREE after school program starting September 5. Transportation will be provided. Sign up using the link: https://forms.gle/hCMsnLW3GpTEwgP67
over 1 year ago, Tammi Davis
Bobcat families, Be sure to get your kindergarten student registered so we can prepare for classes! THANK YOU!
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Jones
Bobcat Families!
Bobcat Families, Interested in the Bobcat Academy? Please follow the link and complete the pre-registration form as soon as possible if your student(s) will be attending the K-5 after school program next year! https://forms.gle/JfydZb6fFtzAB9TZ6
almost 2 years ago, Tammi Davis
Reminder: Meal Accounts need to be paid in full by May 31!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hicks
food safe
Today is THE DAY!! Bobcat Families, please check your child's account and pay balances. And...Titan is now LINQ Connect for meal accounts. View the letter linked here for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sdd2LeGqpgKffkn2C0x3TZAuce0q24C8/view?usp=share_link
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Hicks