Thank you Officer Disheroon and Officer Wilson for taking care of #BobcatNation!
1 day ago, Mindy Hicks
Congratulations to the 2025 Basketball Homecoming Queen!! 💜💛 Jaden Hood 💛💜 Pictured are: Malachi Houghton, Australia Amos (2nd Runner-up), Peyton Smith, Jaden Hood, CT Hicks, Ashlyn Standlee (1st Runner-up), Luke Dignan and little attendants Jaycee Lowery and Troy Smith.
6 days ago, Mindy Hicks
Policies and procedures for Valentine’s Day deliveries are listed in the document linked below. We ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines in order to minimize disruption & to avoid confusion. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you! English: Spanish:
7 days ago, Mindy Hicks
It is National School Counseling Week. Take a moment to let these ladies know how much you appreciate their devotion to our schools, our students, our staff and our families! They are amazing and have an important role in helping our students to thrive!
8 days ago, Mindy Hicks
Happy Groundhog Day to #BobcatNation!!
9 days ago, Mindy Hicks
11 days ago, Mindy Hicks
The Quiz Bowl Bobcats took 2nd place in the Melbourne Invitational this weekend! With 11 new players and only 2 returning, this is an impressive finish! MVPs were AC Calvillo, Colton Franklin, and Wyatt Butler. Peyton Smith had a near perfect score on NBA lightening round. Titus Gregory scored almost perfect on the golf manufacturing round as well. Luke Dignan is the team captain this year and Hunter Rivettt is the coach. Congratulations to the Bobcat Quiz Bowl team! We are so proud of you! #bobcatnation
15 days ago, Berryville School District
Bobcat Families, We are back to school at regular times tomorrow! (Monday, January 13th) Bus drivers will use their discretion on routes where roads are still covered. If you feel your child cannot safely make it to school, please call your child’s school office.
30 days ago, Mindy Hicks
Check out Charlie's giant snowball! Dillon, Callie, and Kayden are having fun in the winter wonderland and take a look at the sweet kiddos posing with their new baby sister. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us! #bobcatnation
about 1 month ago, Berryville School District
floyd photo
Have you ever seen a "Bobcat" snowman? Olivia made one today for us to enjoy ! Karson is seeing how much snow he can carry, while Greyson is making a snow angel. Thanks for sharing your photos with us. #bobcatnation
about 1 month ago, Berryville School District
Due to the current conditions and the forecast, Berryville Schools will be closed on Friday, January 10 for a SNOW Day.
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
Based on the current forecast, Berryville Public Schools will release students at 1:00, Thursday, January 9. This early release will allow us to safely transport students home before the roads become hazardous. Please be advised that school buses will drop students off at their respective bus stops approximately two hours earlier than usual this afternoon. Likewise, students who do not ride the bus should be picked up within 30 minutes of the release time noted above. All after school activities and practices will be cancelled for this afternoon. We will continue to monitor the forecast throughout the day and early morning for Friday and we will communicate with you should any of these plans need to change. Thank you for your understanding and support as we prepare for the impending winter weather.
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
It is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and at #BobcatNation, we are thankful for these heroes who serve in our community and schools every day to keep us safe!
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
Sharing our reminders from Monday with a couple of notes... Please know we have several key people who watch the weather diligently. Any announcements of cancelations, delayed starts, early releases, etcetera will be announced AS SOON AS a decision is made. School administration will make these decisions as early as possible as they understand families are anxious and planning. Please have a plan in place for your students should we experience any of these scenarios (early release, late start or cancelation).
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
Update: The message we thought was "bogus" was actually a message sent from another district. The reason a few of our parents and guardians received that message was because they had (or have recently had) students in that district as well. Because we use the same company, it came from the same number. Good news is that our information has not been compromised, and only a few families received this information! Original Message: We have been notified that some parents & guardians received a message about a late start to the school day due to weather. We have not sent any messages regarding a late start or school closing. We have contacted the company we utilize for messaging, and they are working to resolve the issue.
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
Bobcat Families, We have been notified that some parents & guardians received a message about a late start to the school day due to weather. We have not sent any messages regarding a late start or school closing. We have contacted the company we utilize for messaging, and they are working to resolve the issue.
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
It is that time of year for a few winter reminders. Stay warm and safe, #BobcatNation!
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
January is School Board Appreciation Month We are thankful for these members who give of their time to serve our school and community! They make decisions year-round that affect the lives of our youngest citizens. Thank you for serving and impacting #BOBCATNATION !
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
We will see our #BobcatNation staff and students very soon!
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks
We wish all of our #BobcatNation Families a HAPPY 2025!
about 1 month ago, Mindy Hicks